The metaphysics of self

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This e-book entitled "The Metaphysics of Self: An Inquiry into the Metaphysical Nature of the Human Self" is dedicated to exploring the fundamental metaphysical questions concerned with the human self and its nature. In six chapters, the author addresses various aspects of the metaphysics of the self, examining the historical development, the various theories and approaches, and the implications for ethics.

The book begins by examining the historical development of the metaphysics of the self, ranging from ancient philosophy to modern philosophy. The author then examines in the following chapters the various theories on the metaphysical nature of the self, the identity of the self, the relationship between self and body, and the freedom of the self. Finally, the implications of a metaphysical theory of the self for ethics are examined. The e-book offers a comprehensive introduction to the metaphysics of the self and is aimed at anyone interested in philosophy and especially metaphysics.