Addiction prevention in the workplace

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In this e-book you will learn how you as an employer or manager can recognize addiction problems among your employees and take preventive action. With a variety of practical tips and case studies, you will learn how to reduce the use of addictive substances in the workplace, recognize early warning signs and intervene early to avoid long-term damage. You will also receive valuable information on addiction prevention and health promotion that will help you create a healthy work environment and promote the well-being of your employees.

This e-book not only comprehensively covers the topic of addiction prevention in the workplace, but also examines the connection between addiction and work in more detail. Find out which specific risk factors in the world of work can lead to addiction problems and how you as an employer or manager should react to them. With this knowledge, you can not only improve the well-being of your employees, but also increase the productivity and effectiveness of your company. Use the tried-and-tested strategies and techniques in this e-book to create positive change in the workplace.