Digital Security and Data Privacy

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"Digital Security and Data Privacy: Challenges and Solutions in the Digital Transformation of Businesses" is a comprehensive handbook for business executives, IT professionals, and data protection officers that addresses the challenges and solutions brought about by digital transformation in the context of security and data privacy.

In a time when cyberattacks, data breaches, and identity theft are commonplace, this book provides valuable insights and practical advice on how companies can effectively protect their data and systems and ensure security and data privacy in the digital transformation. The book covers a wide range of topics, including digital security strategies, technologies and best practices, data privacy regulations and compliance, the role of employees and corporate culture, as well as future trends and developments in the field of digital security and data privacy.

The book combines theoretical concepts with practical application examples and case studies from various industries, providing readers with the necessary tools and knowledge to strengthen digital security and data privacy in their companies. It is essential reading for anyone dealing with digital transformation and its impact on security and data privacy, and seeking solutions to successfully address the challenges of digital transformation and leverage the opportunities it offers.